Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Is That Logical?

A online conversation I had with two other chaps about the 'logicality' of Mormon doctrine (click here).


Andrew Alliance said...

Ah, so this is where you hang out. Hope you had a great Memorial Day.

Travis said...

Wow!!! That was intense. You were quite the logical fellow. This reminded me a lot of people that I have talked to that have nothing to say but what their pastors have taught them. I love the scriptures, the New Testament is my favorite, but using words mean very little without a faith behind them. Religion is emotion and the unfortunate thing is that most view any other religion with the utmost contempt. Why do we as humans have to be that way? Even Mormons do it. In some cases it would be better to agree to disagree since with some no common middle-ground could ever be decided upon (such as with our friend Andrew). Very well done Nate! Hopefully Andrew will internalize some of those scriptures instead of holding them on the surface as a shield to any feeling. Cheers!

NateDredge said...

Who are you Omenmaster? And how do you know me?