Saturday, November 10, 2007

Mormons, Catholics, and Lineal Authority

Here is a link to a little video that puts forward a common theological argument shared by Catholics and Mormons, namely lineal authority. Both faiths trace the authority of their priesthoods back to Christ, the Catholics through St. Peter and the various Bishops of Rome, Mormons through a restoration of divine authority through Joseph Smith. In both traditions this lineal authority is considered paramount to their respective claims for validity. The model here embraced being Christ's ordination of his apostles, which follows in the path of the priestly ordinations (Aaron and his son's), or divine commissionings (Moses and the burning bush) of ancient Israel. Protestant faiths (with the possible rare exception) don't make these lineal claims, of course most of there theologies accept a amorphous 'priesthood of all believers', which is helpful when ones attempts to latch on to a lineal line would prove problematic (i.e., forced recognition of at least some degree of Catholic priesthood legitimacy).

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