Sunday, May 20, 2007

Are Mormons More Cliquish then Jews?

Last week on televisions Glenn Beck program, Mr. Beck interviewed famed interviewer Larry King. As Mr. Beck is (of course) a Mormon, and Mr. King is famously (to Mormons) married to one, the topic of Mormonism came up. Larry King praised the Church's emphasis on the family, which is probably the favorite thing about the faith to 90% of unbelievers who are familiar with it, but Mr. King went a step further. Larry (who is Jewish), made that point that he finds Latter-day Saints to be even more intersteary then Jews. What that means is that while Jews are technically members of a tribe, Mormons often come across as even more tribal. Often, when a large LDS support network is available, members of the Church interact and socialize almost exclusively within that group, saving for say school and work settings. I actually would have to agree with that statement by Mr. King, we keep to ourselves often excessively. I mean I arguably have no real close associations outside of the Church, and frankly I don't like that. But in LDS culture, it's often difficult to sustain such relationships with those outside the faith for any prolonged period of time. Granted our national cultures general move in the 'bowling alone' direction exacerbates that, but still I"m pretty sure its worse being Mormon. I won't rule out the 'fear of conversion efforts' factor though on the non-LDS side of the equation. Anyway, if anybody actually reads this blog, any comments on this whole subject matter?

1 comment:

Travis said...

I totally agree with you Nate. That is one thing that I almost find my self despising about the church....the problem with that is that I love it too. I think what the church gives by way of a social culture and networking system is great. However it does tend to allow people never to leave that system. The only time that most do go outside of their Mormon culture is to convert people, so the fears of non-LDS people are well-based. We should have friends from all walks of life. There are some amazing people out there who will never be LDS and that is their choice.